Do points roll over during redemption?Updated 5 months ago
Due to system limitations the remainder of the ShakeUp Reward promo code value will not roll back into an account or be applied to the next recurring subscription order if the value of the order is less than the value of the promo code.
We recommend taking full advantage of ShakeUp Rewards promo code value you redeem and consider adding other items (scheduled to charge on the same date) or increasing the quanity of your subscription, so that the value of the order is close to the value of the ShakeUp Rewards promo code value.
For example, if you redeemed 300 points to generate a $30 off ShakeUp Rewards promo code, we recommend placing an order in the $30 value range at checkout or applying it to an active subscription that is in the $30 value range.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly before placing your order.