Can I apply a promo code to discount my subscription order?Updated 7 months ago
Please check terms of the promo code to determine whether the code is valid on a subscription order subscription order. Please refer to the terms of the promo code.
If you are placing any order (subscription or one-time) at checkout and you want to redeem your reward points for a discount, you should be able to see a drop-down menu that allows you to select the number of points to apply to your order.
If you wish to discount your recurring subscription, you may redeem your ShakeUp Reward points for codes to apply the code to your upcoming subscription! See the steps outlined below to generate a ShakeUp Reward promo code:
Step 1: Log in to your account.
Step 2: Navigate to the Rewards page:
Step 3: Click on the preferred point amount to redeem and confirm "yes" to generate a ShakeUp Rewards promo code.
Step 4: Click the square "copy" icon to copy the promo code to your clipboard. This promo code will be saved in your "Rewards History" should you need to refer back to it.
Step 5: If you want to apply this code at checkout, navigate back to your cart and paste the code in the "Apply Promo" box.
Step 6: To apply this to your recurring subscription, return to the account page ( and click on "Manage Subscription" to locate your subscription.
Step 7: Click directly on the active subscription you want to discount and scroll to "Apply Discount", then paste the code you copied earlier! You should now be able to see the code applied to your active subscription.
Need more help applying ShakeUp Reward codes to your subscription? View step-by-step visual instructions here: Can I redeem ShakeUp Reward points for subscription orders? How do I redeem them on an existing subscription?